Friday, June 26, 2009

Update soon!

We are still getting settled into the new house with all the drama out the window things are settling down.
We love the house and the neighborhood. So do the cats and Layla! We have taken you the park for the first time and she was kinda weirded out by it. But she will grow to love. We go for walks every night and cut corners because its kind of a busy street.
I will be posting pictures asap!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Happy 5th Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary Layla says to Momma and Dada!

Here we go out and about

Another year has gone by with the love of my life, my best friend and our provider. He is an amazing father & friend! We have been through so much together including a long distance relationship. We now take on the challenge of being parents to a wonderful daughter. One day we will tie the knot but for now we are completely content with our lives as parents. We have survived up's and down's, in's and out's. Lots of turning points, realizations & growth. The last 5 years have been a whirl wind and I wouldn't trade them for the world. We have had tons of laughs & tears. Everyday is a new day in our relationship that we will cherish years from now. I love you Brian with all my heart & soul! We just ended up going out to dinner to the Elephant Bar. Nothing to fancy because thats just not us. But we had a great time and missed our Layla to much to go see a movie! It was nice to be alone together for the first time since before Layla was born. 
Our move was unfortunately postponed but we found out today that we got the house and will end up with the keys either Tuesday or Wednesday. Then away we go! 

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Just some cute pics of the Way- Monster!!

The master of the jumper!

Too small for the high chair! 
So what if she wants to wear a wig! 


Food was yummy!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Layla & the Bear!

Layla Splashing!

O my!

Grabbing those feet!

Attack of the blanket!

She wasn't happy about Mothers day!

We have been really busy with the big move coming up. The apartment is stacked with boxes and our bedroom is pretty much cleared out. We are so excited to move in!

Mother's day was fantastic. I think it should be mother's month!!! I got great stuff from my parents, best friend and Brian. I loved all my gift especially the kisses and hugs from Layla!

Layla is wonderful as usual. She is growing so much everyday. She laughs constantly and is such a good baby. Unfortunately her sleeping patterns are changing and we have been having lack of sleep. She will have to get her shots in a week. I can't believe she is 4 months already. We tried giving her cereal awhile ago but it didn't work out so we are going to try again when we move out of here. We are going to give her all organic food and we are also going to make our own veggie food such as carrots, peas & green beans. She is also back in her own bed which is nice. We actually have room to move around. Her grandma is going to be buying her crib which is beyond awesome! We picked out the perfect one on Sunday. She is constantly grabbing both of her feet at the same time. She does it when she poops as well. Its pretty funny! She tries to put them in her mouth but it doesn't work out so well. She almost up to a size 2 in diapers. 
She notices the cats all the time. She is starting to go after little one! She loves to pet her and tries to grab her. Grandma and Grandpa are coming on Thursday night to help with the move and to OF COURSE see Layla! She still loves to read her book, splash in the bath tub and roll around on the changing table! I think that is it for now... 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Busy Busy!!!

Trying to take care of the beautiful Layla, packing for the big move, making bows for the store and gay pride! Ooooo Geez!!! Will update more at the end of this week!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

So much to say...

Our new house!
I love Way-Ler!!!
Happy Birthday to us!
Okay FIRST.. lets start with Layla.. 

Layla has been soo wonderful lately. She got her first taste of cereal and it didn't particularly care for it. She didn't know what to do with it in her mouth! haha.. She has been laughing talking and doing this CRAZY grunting noise. It cracks us up! Its funny when she does it in the bath tub because she gets all stiff and doesn't want to move. I swear she is going to say her first word any day now.  I have to be ready with the camera. I love that she is 3 months! Shes sooo interactive and loving. Every time Brian and I walk into the room she gets soo excited. She is laughing a real person laugh. But you have to be REALLY funny to get it out of her. She is starting to notice everything like the cats & people. She grunts at our biggest cats Oscar and Louis. But she LOVES little one. She got to pet little one and little one was purrrring and got soo excited! We read to her everyday and she LOVES her color book! Unfortunately the last 2 weeks every other night she wakes up at 3 in the morning screaming her head off. I feed and she passes back out. She's been eating her hands to death and I am pretty sure she is teething. Other than that she is pretty perfect. She loves when her dad comes home from work! She gets soo excited. She is starting to splash in her bathtub and smiling. She has her cute rubber duckies and gets amazed when they squeak! Her newborn clothes are officially to small. She is growing tall and is VERY skinny! haha.. I don't know where she gets that from! She also got a bumbo which she loves sitting in she's such a big girl. Also a bouncy seat but she can't touch the floor yet. She is over laying on her back! She loves to sit and stand. She is starting to pick her self up when Brian holds her arms. But I don't mess with that I am afraid she will break her arms! haha.. 

Brian and I's birthdays were last week and we celebrated by going to Roscoes Chicken n' Waffles and breakfast for his birthday. We also went to my sisters place for dinner the night before she got all three us a birthday cake. Plus, presents for me! She got this beautiful case for photos I can't wait to put it up in the new house. It was Layla's 3 month birthday on mine! haha... We also went to Venice beach for our birthdays. We left Layla with my parents for the first time. They did great. She was smiling when we came back home! 

His parents came into town on behalf of our new house!!!! We are in escrow right now and we are currently just waiting in the wing. We had a few bumps in the road but its coming along smoothly now. We will hopefully close by the end of May and we will be moved in the first day of June. I can't wait! The house is pretty adorable and its perfect for us. After 8 months of finding the perfect place. WE DID IT!!! I can't to paint and make it perfect. Brian and I are saving up for furniture. I am sure our apartment stuff will not even fill up that place. But slowly but surely it will come together. 

Friday, April 17, 2009

We got a house!!!

I am soo happy after 8 months of searching we have our place!! Its sooo perfect and we love it!
Huge update in a couple of days!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Almost 3 months!

Mommy stop with the freaking pictures!
Layla & Daddy!
She has her dad's toes.
After bath time!

Layla is almost 3 months old and we are soo proud of her progress. She is starting to grab my glasses off my face when she gets angry its really funny! Everytime Brian gets home from work she gets soo excited. They love each other soo much. She rolled over for the first time last night and she did not enjoy it. She was like wtf happen!?!?! haha.. Hopefully  I will catch her in the act. We are still house looking urgh.. not so much fun. But we are still going strong. I hope we find something soon Layla deserves it! She smiles so much everyday. I have been trying to get her on camera but when the camera is in her face she does not enjoy it! We have been cleaning out her neck because its been hot here and she sweats easily so it gets kinda smelly. Which is normal the doctor says. So she gets peroxide, a blow dry on the neck &  neosporin. She hates it but she has to get it nice and clean! 

Talking Layla!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not much!

Layla & I! 
Hmm.. So not much has changed in the last week. Layla is still the most wonderful baby! She had a Dr. Appt today She is perfect! Her health is great she is developing perfectly. She got 2 shots today and fortunately took them well. She cried during the last of the visit. She was exhausted! She is almost a whole 11 lbs & shes 24 inch long! Brian is going to be alone with Layla tomorrow night for the first time! I am going to my first party since I found I was pregnant almost a year ago. Sooo crazy! I am excited to get out for a bit. I have been struggling with certain family members all week long. Some not believing in what I am going to do with my future, others telling me to get married, and some making me feel guilty. I have had enough!!!!! I hope to move on from these comments. I am a strong person with an emotional heart which can back fire on me. I don't know.  I am going to set these people straight! I believe in myself and I am the best mom I can be! 
Anyways beyond that... I am going to start making baby blankets & fascinators! I am soo excited to get my supplies to get them started. There are plenty of boutiques in Long Beach to sell these items from which is nice. I will start slow and work my way up. We shall see what the future holds! I finally got my hair cut after almost a year. Thank goodness.  I feel way better about that. O and we are still house searching! Wish us luck tomorrow afternoon!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Layla Loves David Bowie!

On Saturday we made it over to the Sidewalk Sale just to get to Little Devil. Its the most adorable baby store. They have mostly rock n roll baby stuff which is totally my style! They have stuff you would see at the Carters lets say that. The owners are soo cool they had a sale that would give 10% off the items if you spend a certain amount. But gave us 15% off because we have been there since the opening! haha.. Very cool!  And yes her shirt does say David Bowie Rocks My Socks!! Here are the items we picked up:

Her first pop up book!
Frankenstein Rubber Duckie
And just some pics of Layla
We FINALLY picked up our Rockabye Baby Cd's!!
We also picked up some Beatles Magnets! 
We had a great weekend!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy 2 Months Layla!

birthday pic!!

Soo... Today is Layla's 2 month birthday. I can't believe it! It's soo crazy! We celebrated by hanging out at the apartment as usual. Brian stayed home from work is going to start taking off Fridays & working on Sundays until the beta for work is done. So he doesnt have to make phone calls to China from home. Makes sense to me! We just hung out. Layla has been on this kick about crying before she goes to sleep. It's weird. But I guess I shouldn't expect her to be on a FULL schedule yet. She was doing great the last 2 weeks on a good schedule. Now she has decided to change it up on me! URGH! But its okay. I still have my coffee maker. We have a big day tomorrow. We are heading over to the Sidewalk Sale on 4th st. to pick up some things for Layla @ Little Devil then going to look at house. Might get some dinner if we are up to it. I am still rooting for this home! We haven't heard anything back from it yet. But in the mean time it wouldn't hurt to take a look at a few others, right?! Well I have nothing else to report! Have a good weekend!

Monday, March 16, 2009

O Layla!

Layla hanging out with mommy!
Sleeping Layla.
The paci never strays to far.

Layla is doing fantastic! She is soo beautiful. She is constantly coo-ing & smiling. My heart melts every time. She sleeps with Brian & I. I know she shouldn't but thats the only way I will get 7 hours of sleep! So I am willing. I love when you look at me. I can't leave the room without her freaking out sometimes. If I want to do anything I have to move her along with me. O and I MUST be in the room when she falls asleep or she won't or she will yell at me until I come back. She's getting bigger and bigger. She has to go to the dr. because she has a white dot in her mouth! It's weird. Grandma & Grandpa came and hung out with us this weekend. We went down to Huntington Pier & got some burgers & walked around. Layla slept most of the time. Grandpa was disappointed. She is starting to look more like me daddy is getting jealous! Also, she FINALLY took a different paci. Its a miracle!!! I can't believe we had that one since the second day we were in the hospital. I can't believe its almost been 2 months! Soooo crazy! 
We are still house searching! I found the perfect place. Perfect neighborhood! Home! Space! But I am trying not to get my hopes up. The offer is indeed  on the table. So now we wait. I am going to look at more places tomorrow with my best friend Misty! I love having her insight. She knows EXACTLY what we want. Plus she helps me lug Layla around which is nice. We'll I guess thats it for now. Here are some new pics of Lay... 

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I am cleaning the apartment like crazy! I kept it up most the time Brian was gone but now that he's back I am once again taking care of 2 babies. I swear he is a tornado on the loose! I slept a WHOLE 10 hours! I know its crazyness.. insane even! But I did it. Brian is still on China time so he is watching Layla at nite. I slept from 2:45 til noon.. AMAZING! Layla slept from 4 in the morning til about 1.. We were tired girls. Brian & I are trying to go see Watchmen this weekend. I just don't know if I am ready to let Layla go just yet. I know its only 2 hours. But I haven't been away from her for 2 hours yet. I LOVE LAYLA! Shes getting soo big and shes already 6 weeks going on 7. Its freaking crazy! My best friend Misty hung out with me all of yesterday and it was really nice to have the company. I love her!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

China damn communist!

Its official Brian is staying in China until Tuesday! I am soo upset about it. There has been a lot of family stuff going on with us lately & we could really use each other right now.2 more days I keep telling myself.. 2 more days...
On a good note, My sister came by yesterday and bought me some diapers & made dinner. Her boyfriend Jimmy came with but he just stepped off a plane. I didn't understand why he didn't stay  home and get better. Poor jimmy!
here is some pictures of my sister & Layla.

aww angry Layla!
Sorry Lesley she's not into it!
This is cute but to bad I am in the back.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

China, Give me back my boyfriend!

Well Brian might be staying in China a little bit longer than expected. We are still hoping he will be here by Saturday but who knows! I miss him so much and I know Layla is lonely without her daddy. WE MISS YOU COME HOME!!! 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

One Month O my!

Little- Big Layla Konar! 

I can't believe Little Layla has been in our lives for a whole month. She is so great! She turned a month on Friday & is growing everyday. Brian is unfortunately in China at the moment for business. I know he is working hard for us & I couldn't be prouder! Everything is pretty quiet here. Brian will be back on Saturday & I can't wait to see him. We miss him so much. I can't wait until Layla smiles at him! He will be taking that Monday off of work to spend some family time with Layla & I. Since he left a day earlier than we thought.. So we didn't get a last day together. To say the least I was furious!! But now I just miss him sitting at the computer. I have been talking to him at 3 in morning 5 in the morning because of the the whole 16 hour time difference! But he will be leaving Friday my time but China's saturday? I just know he will be here on Saturday! I will be cleaning like crazy before he comes. 

Layla is laughing so much now. She is starting to recognize the people around her. If she doesn't know you then she gives crazy looks! It's really funny. She yelled at me the other day. I had my back turned towards her fixing the pillows to feed her & she screeched at me. I turn around and she's smiling at me! She has been smiling so much this week. She looked into my eyes & smiled for the first time at me and I started crying and telling her how much I love her! I am so sad Brian is missing out! I haven't freaked out once since Brian has left. She also had her first bath in her bath tub last week. She DEFINITELY didn't enjoy it much but she got squeaky clean! Brian took the camera to Shanghai, I will post pics of this momentous occasion later on!  Then this week she did GREAT! She just chilled in the tub. I think she cried more getting her diaper changed after than in the bath tub. I guess I am finally getting a hold of this mommy thing or the coffee maker my parents bought me is working! 

My parents had a visit this weekend since Brian is gone they have been spending more time here with us. I watched grandma's boy with my dad it was awesome! My mom ended up spending the night Sunday to Monday. I don't know if she could handle waking up at 3,5, & 7. But she did a great job non the less. Layla slept with her! 

I have had lots of visitors with friends I haven't seen in month(s). My best friend Misty came by with Tacos, YUM & Roscoes the next day. Bailey (did the dishes) , Kelli, Nikki (brought In-N-Out) I have seen & Courtney (having coffee) tonight. My sister will be visiting later this week as well & hopefully Tania as well! It's really nice having the company & the help. I have some pretty amazing people in my life! 

Monday, February 16, 2009

What a week!

Silly Layla & 3 weeks
Brian's Family & I
Brian's Parents ( my fav. pic of the day)
It was soo windy & cold @ Sunset!

Aww Man! 
It was soo busy last week. First off, Brian's parents came a visited Layla all the way from Chicago. It was such a nice trip! They fell in love with Layla! I had so much fun even though it was so exhausting.  We went everywhere! Brian's mom brought Layla a whole suitcase full of baby clothes. I still have to hang them all up. They took us shopping at Cosco and Layla didn't enjoy that very much she freaked out! Poor Lay Lay! So I took her to the car and feed her. They ended up renting a car because we had soo much stuff. Layla loved spending time with Grandma & Grandpa. It was nice to spend some alone time with them. Well  the baby & I. I think it was the first time we have spent alone time together in the almost 5 years Brian & I have been together. I think we REALLY connected and I am really happy about that. *sigh of relief*! Anywho, we went house shopping most of the week. They put 3 offers down on some places but I don't think any of them will work out. I hope we find something soon. Pray for us!
They helped us out so much with Layla. They watched her while we napped. It was nice. They treated us to lunch & dinner every nite. They cooked most meals & it was nice to have a home cooked meal! We don't have the time for that anymore. His mom washed the dishes and kept everything tidey. How I miss them already! It was soo weird waking up on Sunday morning. Brian & I both felt like we had to meet them. 
Layla had her first breast milk bottle & did great. She didn't get confused at all thank goodness! 
Brian's sister also came out for the weekend. It was good to see her as well. Even though it was a short trip. 
On Valentines day was Pam's (Brian's mom) birthday so we went and had some Sushi. It was also Layla's first trip to the beach! We got some great pictures.
Layla had a lot of firsts this week  & she did wonderful. She slept most of the time in the van. She loved the ride. 
Brian's jeep kinda broke down on him on his parents first day here. But thank goodness they were here!  I knew it was going to. I think being a mom has given me a sixth sense I swear! I also have sonic hearing. 
I have so much cleaning to do. The laundry is piling up like crazy! But we got 3 loads done yesterday. I have to put those away as well. 
I better get to cleaning! 

Friday, February 6, 2009

2 weeks & more visits to come!

Layla is a whole 2 weeks and 3 days! I don't have any recent pictures. But... I shall soon. Grandma & Grandpa Konar are coming ALL the way from Chicago this weekend to see her. They are staying the whole week and I can't wait until they get to meet Layla. I think I will probably cry and you know I will standing there with the camera when they walk in! They will also be helping us in our condo search once again. I don't think I will be up for it because I am still sleep deprived. Plus, I am breast feeding and I don't feel comfy doing it in public! What can I say my boobs are huge!! haha.. Also Valentines weekend Brian's sister Auntie Megan will be coming down from Princeton! YAH! I love MEGAN!! I tried to clean yesterday for their visit but it didn't turn out so well. I ended up sleeping when my sister was here. She cooked Tuna Cassarole! YUM! Also, she washed the dishes and brought Layla a bunch of clothes!! It was a nice visit. So I am going to clean a little today & clean some more tomorrow before they get here. I can't believe they got such an early flight! haha.. I love it! Layla actually slept really well this morning. I was SOOO impressed. I told her I don't mind if she cries as long as she lets mommy sleep! Its going to be such a fun and exciting weekend. I can't wait. Well I have a diaper to change! 

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm a big kid now!

One Week Old!

Layla rocks out!

She loves to sleep :)
1 +3 = Friends
Kisses for everyone!

Beautiful eyes!!

Layla's one whole week!!
I can't  believe it. Just this time I was getting escorted to my room to see her. Its been pretty awesome so far. She is great kid! The cries were kinda getting to me this morning. But I managed to get over it. Brian is best dad. He has been so great during my recovery. He says I am doing great with moving around and helping out. Layla loves her dad so much. She loves to fall asleep in his arms. She was holding herself up by the second day and she is holds her own pacifier! She loves to hang out in her bouncer while Brian and I sit and watch her. She cries every time she wakes up. But all she wants is a change and a boob and shes good to go! haha.. Breast feeding has been going better than I thought. But they are obnoxiously large. Brian is picking up my pump as we speak so it can be easier for her to feed. The first night home I got some great sleep. It was really nice! But lately she gets up about every 3-5 hours. I learned if I try to wake her every 2 to 3 hours to feed like the hospital said she will just fall asleep. So I let her do her own thing. On saturday night Lesley & Jimmy came by and made us some amazing tortilla soup & took some great pictures of layla! She looks so perfect! We have been taking it slow with guest coming to see her. I am still healing and a lot of people stresses me out. Plus I don't want her to fuss to much. I went to the dr. yesterday to check on my incision. It hurts sooo bad on the right side. I can barely walk! They said everything looks fine and gave me some more medication. So I hope I get better soon. I am glad things are going so well! Oo and Brian's family are coming out. We are soo excited for them to meet our wonderful girl! Eekk.. Everything is moving soo fast!  We love you Layla!!! 

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Welcome to the world! (birth story)

Welcome to the World! 
Layla Eleanor Konar
Born on January 20th @ 11:35 am 
9 lbs. 6 oz 
Via Emergency C-section

So walking into my weekly appointment Brian & I had no clue what we were in for. Our appointment was at 9:15. Everything goes smoothly except the dr. recognizes that Layla's heartbeat is irregular. Since I was going on 40 weeks on Wednesday she really wanted to me to get checked out. So Brian & I walk over to the Birthing Center. They set me up check her heartbeat & mine. Layla's is still irregular! So they do an ultrasound and everything looks perfect there is enough water, she is moving around & things seem fine on the inside. With waiting for a couple of hours they finally tell me they are going to induce. One of the things I didn't want to do. But the health of the baby was a concern so we went along to Labor & Delivery. 
They hook me up to EVERYTHING possible. The I.V., heart monitors, contraction monitor.. etc. Around 4 o' clock they put the pitocin in my i.v. right away the contractions start. I was planning on having the baby vaginally & drug-free. Well it was up in the air. So with the induction its completely different. I am sitting in bed & then my water breaks.  My parents are by my side & so is Brian. Brian leaves to go do some things at the apartment since its going to be a long night! My contractions get to point were I can't stand it. I am crying, grabbing, cursing, yelling, screaming, had hot flashes, the works! I was even yelling at my dad :(. My mom was holding my hand while Brian was gone. I called him to come back! My mom had a cold rag on my head and it was one of worst pains I have ever had. So I decide to get an epidural. I was so disappointed in myself. 2 things I didn't want to do I had to do :(. The dr comes in and gives it to me in my back. I was contracting the whole time and it was so hard to stay still. The nurse was in the room with me because the others weren't allowed in. LAME! But I got it done and immediately started working. So amazing!!!!! Brian walked in the room as soon it happen so he didn't get to the see the raging me! haha.. The contractions apparently got worse but I had no clue. It was pretty funny actually. 

Anywho my parents take off and my sister shows up around 1 in the morning. We are sleep and awake during the rest of the morning/night. They are constantly checking my progression, moving me around, moving the baby, blood pressure. By 9 in the morning we learn that I might have to have a c-section because I had not progressed more than 5 cm in over 12 hours. They had to stop the pitocin because Layla wasn't responding well to it. So I was stuck. 
Around 10:45 they decided to for me to have the c-section. I was so upset. This was the last thing I wanted to do. I was crying & was just truly disappointed by the way things turned out. Everything happened that I didn't want to do. So they quickly get everything together and roll me to the operating room.
The team was amazing! It was a well oiled machine in there. Everyone made me feel so comfortable and reassured me everything was going to be alright. They gave me more drugs and I lost feeling in my legs yet again. They clean me up, strap me down and we waited for the dr. to get there. Brian appears and it made me feel 100% better! They start to cut and I can't see anything. A few minutes later they pull her out and I hear cries!!! Brian quickly leaves to cut the cord. I have never been filled with more anticipation! Brian brings her to me but I can't see much. They stitch me up and he leaves to the nursery they wheel me to recovery & after 19 hours of Labor & an emergency c-section Layla was born! 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh and some other pics!

Here are some pictures of Layla's Stuff all set up and waiting her arrival!

Some of her clothes hung in the side closet! 

The best organizer! Thanks Big Brother for the present!

Her Teddy Bears (the brown one I have had since I was 5) 
Thanks Grandma & Grandpa Konar for the Pack n' Play!!! Its perfect!!! 
Thanks Nana & Poppi for the bouncer! 
Some more clothes ( not all shown) 
 Layla's area filled with: Clothes, bears, socks, hats, shoes, toys & every type of towel possible!!!

 The swing! Great present from my good friends Larissa & the boys!! 
Brian & I on Xmas @ my sisters place! My pants look REALLY baggy!
The presents from my sister! Thanks Lesley!