Saturday, April 4, 2009

Not much!

Layla & I! 
Hmm.. So not much has changed in the last week. Layla is still the most wonderful baby! She had a Dr. Appt today She is perfect! Her health is great she is developing perfectly. She got 2 shots today and fortunately took them well. She cried during the last of the visit. She was exhausted! She is almost a whole 11 lbs & shes 24 inch long! Brian is going to be alone with Layla tomorrow night for the first time! I am going to my first party since I found I was pregnant almost a year ago. Sooo crazy! I am excited to get out for a bit. I have been struggling with certain family members all week long. Some not believing in what I am going to do with my future, others telling me to get married, and some making me feel guilty. I have had enough!!!!! I hope to move on from these comments. I am a strong person with an emotional heart which can back fire on me. I don't know.  I am going to set these people straight! I believe in myself and I am the best mom I can be! 
Anyways beyond that... I am going to start making baby blankets & fascinators! I am soo excited to get my supplies to get them started. There are plenty of boutiques in Long Beach to sell these items from which is nice. I will start slow and work my way up. We shall see what the future holds! I finally got my hair cut after almost a year. Thank goodness.  I feel way better about that. O and we are still house searching! Wish us luck tomorrow afternoon!

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