Welcome to the World!
Layla Eleanor Konar
Born on January 20th @ 11:35 am
9 lbs. 6 oz
Via Emergency C-section
So walking into my weekly appointment Brian & I had no clue what we were in for. Our appointment was at 9:15. Everything goes smoothly except the dr. recognizes that Layla's heartbeat is irregular. Since I was going on 40 weeks on Wednesday she really wanted to me to get checked out. So Brian & I walk over to the Birthing Center. They set me up check her heartbeat & mine. Layla's is still irregular! So they do an ultrasound and everything looks perfect there is enough water, she is moving around & things seem fine on the inside. With waiting for a couple of hours they finally tell me they are going to induce. One of the things I didn't want to do. But the health of the baby was a concern so we went along to Labor & Delivery.
They hook me up to EVERYTHING possible. The I.V., heart monitors, contraction monitor.. etc. Around 4 o' clock they put the pitocin in my i.v. right away the contractions start. I was planning on having the baby vaginally & drug-free. Well it was up in the air. So with the induction its completely different. I am sitting in bed & then my water breaks. My parents are by my side & so is Brian. Brian leaves to go do some things at the apartment since its going to be a long night! My contractions get to point were I can't stand it. I am crying, grabbing, cursing, yelling, screaming, had hot flashes, the works! I was even yelling at my dad :(. My mom was holding my hand while Brian was gone. I called him to come back! My mom had a cold rag on my head and it was one of worst pains I have ever had. So I decide to get an epidural. I was so disappointed in myself. 2 things I didn't want to do I had to do :(. The dr comes in and gives it to me in my back. I was contracting the whole time and it was so hard to stay still. The nurse was in the room with me because the others weren't allowed in. LAME! But I got it done and immediately started working. So amazing!!!!! Brian walked in the room as soon it happen so he didn't get to the see the raging me! haha.. The contractions apparently got worse but I had no clue. It was pretty funny actually.
Anywho my parents take off and my sister shows up around 1 in the morning. We are sleep and awake during the rest of the morning/night. They are constantly checking my progression, moving me around, moving the baby, blood pressure. By 9 in the morning we learn that I might have to have a c-section because I had not progressed more than 5 cm in over 12 hours. They had to stop the pitocin because Layla wasn't responding well to it. So I was stuck.
Around 10:45 they decided to for me to have the c-section. I was so upset. This was the last thing I wanted to do. I was crying & was just truly disappointed by the way things turned out. Everything happened that I didn't want to do. So they quickly get everything together and roll me to the operating room.
The team was amazing! It was a well oiled machine in there. Everyone made me feel so comfortable and reassured me everything was going to be alright. They gave me more drugs and I lost feeling in my legs yet again. They clean me up, strap me down and we waited for the dr. to get there. Brian appears and it made me feel 100% better! They start to cut and I can't see anything. A few minutes later they pull her out and I hear cries!!! Brian quickly leaves to cut the cord. I have never been filled with more anticipation! Brian brings her to me but I can't see much. They stitch me up and he leaves to the nursery they wheel me to recovery & after 19 hours of Labor & an emergency c-section Layla was born!
dont feel bad about the epi, once you get pitocin its pretty inevitable because it makes you contract so strongly. you did just fine!!!
yea dude, dont trip about the pain meds. I'm very happy that you did so well. I'm proud! turns out i SUCK at knitting so I have a few people helping me. lol. I'm happy you have your baby and I cant wait to see her.
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